Nasr Ali Al Shawaf
Advanced Mental Health Counselor.
Education and Experience
Bachelor's degree in counseling psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA.1983
MEMBER of the Employee Assistance Program Association in the USA.
Certified counselor in Critical Incident stress management. USA.
Has Counseling experience in hospital-based setting. (In-patient & out-patient) between (Saudi Aramco Medical services organization (SAMSO) & Johns Hopkins Aramco healthcare) (JHAH.)
Worked with clinicians within the service, including psychiatrists, Medical Oncologist, Behavioral Health Unit staff, nursing staff, relatives of patients and other clinical staff that are involved in the case management
Years of experience:
38 years of counseling experience in Saudi Aramco medical Services organization and Johns Hopkins Aramco Health Care.
Worked with various Saudi Aramco departments for consultation, training and provision of psychological support when needed.
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Scope of Work
Counseling to patients with emotional, behavioral and mental health problems, (e.g. marriage, family, children, adolescence, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, domestic trauma, depression, anxiety, personal growth & development, and stress management).
Provides psychological consultations and deals with referral from other medical/dental professionals, managers, personnel, schools and Security
Vocational counseling and training to managers and supervisor to manage poor job performance issues and refer troubled employee to counseling.
Psycho educational and mental health awareness programs, such as
Stress management, substances abuse awareness, anxiety, depression in addition to other mental health issues.
Crisis intervention in critical situations and preventive maintenance at the individual and group level.